How to Remove Kxvo.exe Virus Manually

OK here is another trojan virus again that one of the common problem in our PC is the virus - a computer's parasite. Your PC performance will become slow and almost hang-up that would turn to invalid boot-up of your PC. I just want to share it to you again a trojan virus that i've been experience in my friend's internet cafe shop. This trojan/backdoor virus is almost thesame with the amvo.exe virus which is very harmful that might your PC shutting down. After I have posted about how to remove amvo.exe virus manually, some of you used this instructions and it works successfully, and some are not. Well, in removing the kxvo.exe virus is almost thesame for process of amvo.exe virus. Below you can check on how to do this, but we need to study first, what is kxvo.exe virus is?

What is kxvo.exe virus?

  • kxvo.exe is Trojan/Backdoor - it is similar to amvo.exe virus, i think this is their family virus.


  • Folder Option is not working - you cannot enable the Folder Option or show the hidden files running into you computer. It will reverted either you have change it and after a while it will change back.
  • Hidden file problem
  • "An exception breakpoint has been reached" a message dialog box came from your Yahoo Messenger.

How to solve this?

This is the solution on how to remove the kxvo.exe and to fix the folder option problem. Just follow this steps:

  1. Uncheck kxvo.exe from msconfig>> startup (type msconfig in run and click on the startup tab) also and restart your system
  1. Click Start > Run and type REGEDIT
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > Advanced
  3. On the right side, double click the hidden value and give it a value of 1.
  4. Same for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > Advanced > Folder > Hidden > SHOW ALL Change the value of Checked Value to 1.
  5. Check if your Folder Option if its working now. If it works! OK you are now ready to delete the kxvo.exe virus now.

Go to your Folder Option and enable the show all the hidden files and you remove the following files if they are exist in the exact location or directory:



c:\windows\system32\ amvo.exe

c:\windows\system32\ akxvo.exe
c:\windows\system32\ awda2.exe
c:\windows\system32\ mvo.dll
c:\windows\system32\ amvo1.dll

Lastly go to Run and type cmd then type regedit, press Ctrl + F to find the files kxvo.exe and delete it. You can now reboot your PC.

Similar procedure to amvo.exe virus removal.