What is Braviax.exe Virus?

Braviax.exe Virus Information

Virus Name: Braviax.exe
Known as: Trojan.Virantix.C, TROJ_RENOS.ADT
Command Location: C:\Windows\System32\braviax.exe

Some of the antiviruses detect as a Trojan.Virantix.C Trojan that starts automatically into Run, RunOnce, RunServices, or RunServicesOnce entry in the registry. This Trojan displays fake a security alerts in your Windows taskbar that advertises rogue anti-spyware products.

This braviax.exe virus is also create, copies, and deletes some files and folders like autoexec.bat
and create a file like c:\windows\system32\univrs32.dat into your systems

Some braviax.exe virus behavior:

  • Created as a process on disk
  • Executed as a Process
  • Has code inserted into its Virtual Memory space by other programs
  • Added as a Registry auto start to load Program on Boot up
  • Terminated as a Process
  • Registered as a Dynamic Link Library File
It also uses some filename aliases that running into your PC like a system files, like shown on the list below:
  • 24234393.DAT
  • 95164862.DAT
  • 31018098.SVD
  • 36346119.DAT
  • 29434265.SVD
  • 27044453.SVD
  • 57134588.DAT
  • 56846728.EXE
  • 63594485.EXE
  • 16782586.SVD
  • 37741952.EXE
If you are having this kind of virus into your computer, please scan your PC immediately and remove this trojan viruses the might get harm your systems files and data store on your computer.

You may also use this step on how to remove braviax.exe virus? that would help you on this problems, just try and follow some instructions. on how to remove it.